Course Outline

 Course Outline-Always Subject to Revision

An asterisk (*) indicates a required reading. All others are recommended.
Readings on populism marked with a hollow diamond (◊) are particularly recommended.

Sept 26:  Introduction & Overview of Political Psychology

*Susana Stone 2014. “Overview: Political Psychology” WIREs Cognitive Science 5:373–385. (only pages 373–5 are important today).
Stone et al.Political Psychology review

Robert Jervis, Political Psychology’s 5 elements

PolPsy notes on MüllerI

Intro Additional Readings

Populism Additional Readings

Part I    Classic Psychological Approaches

October 1:    Psychoanalytic

*Sigmund Freud, New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1933.  Lecture 31.

*Sigmund Freud, “Libidinal Types” In Character and Culture freud-lib-types


*Sigmund Freud, Group Psychology, Lecture VII Freud-Identif  & Lecture VIII Love&Hypnosis
also available at:
———-, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego  Only Lectures VII & VIII

Psychoanalysis Additional Readings

October 3:    Behavioral

*Ivan P.Pavlov, 1927. Conditioned Reflexes, Only Lectures 2-4.

*B.F. Skinner, 1971(2002). Beyond Freedom and Dignity. Chapters 2 & 6.

Behavioral Additional Readings

Behaviorist Vocabulary

Oct 8:  Humanist

*Abraham Maslow, 1943. A theory of motivation.

*Abraham Maslow, 1954. Motivation and Personality Preface & Chapter 11.
NB: click on the ebooks link and then look for Maslow

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy—Deprivations and Gratifications

Humanist Additional Readings

October 10:
  Quiz 1 & Preparing Paper 1 (due Oct 15)
Quiz extended through Oct 12
Paper postponed until Oct 22

Part II    More Recent Psychological Approaches

October 15 Postponed to Oct 17:  Post War Personality Theory

*Theodore Adorno 1949. The Authoritarian Personality or
Read only Chapters 1 & 7 and perhaps skim Chapter 9

The Big 5

*Kendra Cherry 2017. “The Big Five Personality Traits.”

The original article on the Big Five is accessible on line through the UCSC library.
Donald W. Fiske, 1949. “Consistency of the Factorial Structures of Personality Ratings from Different Sources,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 44: 329-44.

Personality Additional Readings

Images for 185’19 TAP

October 17 Postponed to Oct 22:
 Mid-century Social Psychology

* Solomon E. Asch, 1955. “Opinions and Social 14 Pressure.” Scientific American 193: 31-35.

*Muzafer Sherif on Groups
h 8, skim the rest

skim Henri Tajfel (1970). “Experiments in Intergroup Discrimination” Scientific American 223, pp 96-102.

*Milgram on Obedience

Social Psychology Additional Readings

Oct 22:  Postponed to Oct 24 Social Cognition

The original works (marked with a hollow diamond) are particularly difficult, so for this class we will read summaries (marked with an asterisk) provided by others.

Attribution Theory

*Saul A.McLeod. (2010). “Attribution Theory.” Retrieved from

*Attribution Theory

◊Harold H. Kelley. 1967. “Attribution Theory in Social Psychology”. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. 15: 192-238.

◊Kelley Attribution Part 1

◊Kelley Attribution Part 2

Prospect Theory

*Jack Levy 2018 “Political Decision Making”in Christopher Hewert and Evanthia Lyons eds., Political Psychology: A Social Psychological Approach Wiley. Cognitive Biases pp 176-86.

◊Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, 1979. “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk.” Econometrica Vol 47 #2(March), 263-92.

Social Cognition Additional Readings

Oct 29: Neuropsychology I 

*Joseph LeDoux The Emotional Brain, Chapters 1-3 & 5
LeDoux Ch 1-3 17-58
LeDoux Ch 3-5 69-136

*Antoine Bechera et al., Deciding Advantageously before knowing the advantageous strategy. Science vol 275, 1293-1295.

LeDoux’s Eight Themes Link


Neuroscience Additional Readings

Oct 31: Neuropsychology II

*Joseph LeDoux The Emotional Brain, Chapters 6-8.
LeDoux Ch 6-7 143-180
LeDoux Ch 7 202-224
However, wearing soft generic viagra a seat belt does not give the drivers full guarantee of the fact that they will not be injured. Thus, a special attention is levitra sale needed in this area to use both video and EEG assessment in a day monitoring capacity. “This program offers referring physicians and their patients an alternative to inpatient stay for epilepsy monitoring,” said Tracey Milligan, MD, associate neurologist in the Epilepsy Program. online levitra canada The pills which reduces the chances of owning of kids naturally. There is a massive body of scientific research on the nature of leadership and employee management. cialis shipping LeDoux Ch 8-9 230-302

Political Neuroscience Readings

Nov 5: Quiz 2 & Preparing Paper 2 (Due Nov 12) 

Part III Contemporary Topics

Nov 7: Ethnocentrism and (In)tolerance  

*Ted Brader et al. (2008). What triggers public opposition to immigration? Anxiety, group cues and immigration threat. American Journal of political science, 52 (4), 959-978.
(available online through the Melvyl catalogue at UCSC library) or at 2008_-_Ted_Brader_-_WhatTriggersPublicOppositiontoImmigrationAnxietyGr[retrieved-2015-05-09].

◊Paul M. Sniderman, Michael Bang Petersen, Rune Slothuus,and Rune Stubager (2014). Introduction Sniderman Paradoxes

◊(skim) Elisabeth Ivarsflaten and Paul Sniderman 2017. “The Challenge of Muslim Inclusion: A Study of Thresholds”
or MuslimInclusion-Sniderman’17

Ethnocentrism & Intolerance Additional Readings

Nov 12: Framing

*Joseph Fletcher and Jennifer Hove, (2012). “Emotional Determinants of Support for the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan: A View from the Bridge.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 45: 33-62. HOH JF&JH

◊Joseph Fletcher & William Schatten “Framing the Toronto G20 Protests” fletcherschattencpsa2012final.
focus on conclusion

Framing Additional Readings

Nov 14: Dehumanization & (Re)humanization

*Lasana Harris and Susan Fiske (2006) “Dehumanizing the Lowest of the Low: Neuroimaging Responses to Extreme out Groups,” Psychological Science, 17:847-53.  2006_-_Lasana_Harris_-_DehumanizingtheLowestoftheLowNeuroimagingResponses[retrieved-2015-05-14]
reprinted in Susan Fiske (2018). Social Cognition: Selected Works of Susan Fiske, Chapter 8. Routledge.

◊Lasana Harris and Susan Fiske (2007) “Social Groups That Elicit Disgust Are Differentially Processed in MPFC” Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2:45-51.  2007_-_Lasana_T_Harris_-_Socialgroupsthatelicitdisgustaredifferentiallyproc[retrieved-2015-05-13]

Dehumanization Additional Readings

Nov 19:  Implicit Attitudes I

*Implicit Association Test at:
Take one or more of the tests, preferably about race, gender or hispanic people

*H. Arkes and P. Tetlock, (2004) “Attributions of Implicit Prejudice or ‘Would Jesse Jackson Fail the Implicit Association Test’” Psychological Inquiry vol. 15 (4), 257-278.  Tetlock IAT

◊(skim)M.R. Banaji et al. (2004) No Place for Nostalgia in Science: A Response to Arkes and Tetlock. Psychological inquiry 15 (4), 279-310. Response to Tetlock

◊Greenwald, A. G., & Banaji, M. R. (1995). Implicit Social Cognition: Attitudes, Self-esteem, and Stereotypes. Psychological Review, 102, 4-27.

Implicit Attitudes Additional Readings

Nov 21: Implicit Attitudes II

*Efrén O. Pérez, 2010. “Explicit Evidence on the Import of Implicit Attitudes: The IAT and Immigration Policy Judgements.” Political Behavior 32(4):517-545.Perez_Explicit-Evidence-on-Implicit-Attitudes-1

Nov 26:   Moral & Positive Psychology

*Jonathan Haidt, 2007. “The new synthesis in moral psychology.” Science 18 May 2007: Vol. 316 no. 5827 pp. 998-1002. Science-2007-Haidt-998-1002

*(skim)Christopher L. Suhler and Patricia Churchland. 2011.Can Innate, Modular “Foundations” Explain Morality? Challenges for Haidt’s Moral Foundations Theory.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Vol. 23, (9): 2103-2116. SuhlerChurchland

*(skim) Jonathan Haidt and Craig Joseph. 2011. How Moral Foundations Theory Succeeded in Building on Sand: A Response to Suhler and Churchland.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Vol. 23, No. 9, Pages 2117-2122. HaidtReply

Moral Foundations by Ideology

Moral Foundations Results UCSC’18

Moral Foundations and Positive Psychology Additional Readings

November 28: Thanksgiving-No Class

Dec 3:  Psychology of International Relations

*Elif Erişen 2012. “An Introduction to Political Psychology for International Relations Scholars.”Perceptions, Volume XVII, Number 3, pp. 9-28.  PolPsy for IR

◊(Skim the conclusions) Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, D. Alex Hughes, and David G. Victor. 2013.“The Cognitive Revolution and the Political Psychology of Elite Decision Making” Perspectives on Politics.
Vol. 11/No. 2: 368-386. CogRev&PolPsyofDM

◊(Skim the conclusions very lightly) Emilie M. Hafner-Burton. Stephen Haggard, David Lake and David Victor, 2017.  “The Behavioral Revolution and International Relations”, International Organization (IO) Vol 71 (S1) S1-S31.behavioral_revolution_and_international_relations

Psychology of International Relations Additional Readings

Dec 5: Quiz 3 & Preparing Paper 3 (Due in Exam slot–Wed Dec. 11, 8-11 am)

Topics Not Covered this Term:

Back to Genetics? 

*James H. Fowler and Christopher T. Dawes. 2008. “Two genes predict voter turnout”. Journal of Politics, 70:579-594.  two_genes_predict_voter_turnout

*Evan Charney and William English. 2012. “Candidate Genes and Political Behavior.” American Political Science Review 106 (1): 1–34.  APSR_Candidate_Genes_and_Political_Behavior-1

(skim) James H. Fowler and Christopher T. Dawes. 2013, “In Defense of Genopolitics” American Political Science Review, 107:362-374.

(Skim) Evan Charney and William English. 2013. “Genopolitics and the Science of Genetics.” American Political Science Review 107(2): 382-395.

Genetics Additional Readings

The Political Psychology of Narratives.

*Phillip L. Hammack. 2014. “Mind, Story, Society: The Political Psychology of Narrative” In
Michael Hanne, William D. Crano and Jeffery Scott Mio  (Eds.) Warring with Words: Narrative and Metaphor in Politics NY; The Psychology Press.

Nick Clarke et al. 2018.  The Good Politician  Cambridge, Ch 9 pp 260-267.

Psychology of Narratives Additional Readings

Sexual Harassment

Stephen Marche 2017 “The Unexamined Brutality of the Male Libido”, New York Times

Amanda Taub 2017. “How Should We Respond to Sexual Harassment” New York Times

Crisis of Democracy
Steveb Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt 2018. How Democracies Die, Crown. How Democs Die
Within this context the work on egalitarianism has new resonance.
How DemocsDie20-7;38-9; 64-7

Yascha Mounk 2018. The People vs Democracy. Harvard.

John Carey et al 2018. “Searching for a Bright Line:  The First Year of the Trump Presidency.”
or at:

Paul Krugman 2018. “Why it Can Happen Here.” New York Times. 27 Aug.

Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page, 2014. “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” Perspective on Politics 12(3): 564-581.

Psychology of Voting

*Lee De-Wit 2017. What’s Your Bias? What’s Your Bias 36-9;44-9;74-7  What’s Your Bias 80-94

*Zaria Gorvett, The Hidden Psychology of Voting

Psychology of Voting Additional Readings