Personality Additional Readings


◊Roger Brown, Social Psychology, 1965. 1st edition, TAP. skim

Bob. Altemeyer, 1988. Enemies of Freedom.

Boris Bizumic and John Duckitt 2018 “ Investigating Right Wing Authoritarianism With a Very Short Authoritarianism Scale” Journal of Social and Political Psychology Vol 6, no 1. 129-150.
Very Short Measure.

Gian Vittoria Caprara and Michele Vecchione 2017. Personalizing Politics and Realizing Democracy. Oxford

H.D. Forbes, 1985. Nationalism, Ethnocentrism and Personality.

◊Marc Hetherington and Jonathan Weiler, 2009. Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics .

Sam MacFarlane, (2011) Review of Hetherington and Weiler’s Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics. Political Psychology 32:2, 364-7. Link

◊William Kreml, 1977. The Anti-Authoritarian Personality.

Stanley Renshon and John Duckitt, 2000. Political Psychology. Chapters 6 & 7.

Jim Sidanius and Felicia Pratto. 1999. Social dominance: an integral theory of social hierarchy and oppression. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Joel E Dimsdale. 2016. Anatomy of Malice: The Enigma of the Nazi War Criminals. Yale.

F. Samuelson 1986. History of TAP Samelson_F_1986 Hist of TAP

David Houghton 2015. Political Psychology 2nd ed. Routledge. Ch 8.

Applications to Politics

John Bernard Santos (2018). “Direct and Indirect Effects of Authoritarianism on Policy Preferences in Canada. (unpublished master’s thesis) University of Calgary.

Jaime Napier and John Jost (2008). The Antidemocratic Personality” Journal of Social issues 64:3, 595-617. Link

Alessandro Nai and Ferran Martinez (2019). The personality of populists: provocateurs, charismatic leaders, or drunken dinner guests?  West European Politics, 42:7, 1337-67 Link

Ezra Klein, (2020)Why We’re Polarized. Avid Reader Press (Simon & Schuster) Klein pp 43-48.

On the big 5

Erin Brodwin, 2018 (April 19). “Here’s the Personality Test that Cambridge Analytica Taken By Facebook Users” Business Insider

Siva Vaidhyanathan, 2018. Anti-Social Media pp 150-161. Antisocial Media Big Five

David Sumpter, 2018. Outnumbered. Bloomsbury Sigma. Ch 5 (Ch 2-4 have a non-technical intro to the stats involved).

Ayline Heller et al. (2020). “Detecting Authoritarianism Efficiently…” Frontiers in Psychology Vol 11 (Nov) 1-11.Measur Author 2020

Daniel Yudkin (2018) “The Psychology of Authoritarian Populism: A Bird’s Eye View”
yudkin-daniel-2018-the-psychology-of-authoritarian-populism-a-bird-s-eye-view_june2018.pdf  Section 3 on Authority esp pp31-36.

◊Matthew McWilliams, 2016. “The one weird trait that predicts where you’re a Trump supporter.”
Politico, January 17. click here

Matthew C. MacWilliams. 2016.“Who Decides When the Party Doesn’t? Authoritarian Voters and the Rise of Donald Trump.” PS: Political Science & Politics. (October).

◊Matthew MacWilliams 2016. The Rise of Trump. Amherst College Press. Downloadable book here

Amanda Taub, 2016., “The Rise of American Authoritarianism”


Dan P. MacAdams, 2016. The Mind of Donald Trump” The Atlantic

Francios Martel et al., “Identity Fusion and Support for Political Authoritarianism: Lessons from the U.S. Insurrection of 2012.” Political Psychology, March 2024 (early view). ID fusion and authorism Martel PolPsy 2024

◊Thomas Edsall, 2016. “The Eternal Return of Unenlightened Despotism”. New York Times.

◊Jonathan Weiler. 2015. “Demystifying the Trump Coalition: It’s the Authoritarianism.” Huffington Post December 8. click here

Karen Stenner and Johanthan Haidt 2018. “Authoritarianism is not a Momentary Madness” in Cass Sunstein, ed Can it Happer Here?
Stenner & Haidt 2018 pt. 1 
Stenner & Haidt 2018 pt. 2

Stanley Feldman (2021) “Authoritarianism, Education and Support for Right-Wing Populism” Ch 19 in The Psychology of Populism Joseph P Forgas et al Eds. Routledge. (Good overview of authoritarianism conceptualization and measurement (pp 35–38), but inadequate measure of populism using immigration attitudes.) The Forgas volume is available for download through the UVic Library

The Big 5

*Donald W. Fiske, 1949. “Consistency of the Factorial Structures of Personality Ratings from Different Sources,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 44: 329-44. Accessible online via UVic library (skim).

Lewis R. Goldberg 1995. “What the Hell Took So Long? Donald Fiske and the Big-Five Factor Structure” in Patrick E Shrout and Susan T. Fiske, Personality Reseach, Methods and Theory: A Festschrift Honoring Donald W. Fiske, Erlbaum.

Alan S. Gerber et al,  (2011) “The Big Five Personality Traits in the Political Arena,” Annual Review of Political Science 14:265–287. (skim)

Gian Vittorio Caprara and Michele Vecchione 2017. Personalizing Politics and Realizing Democracy. Oxford

Jeffrey Mondak. 2015. Personality and the Foundations of Political Behaviour. Cambridge University Press.

Jeffery J. Mondak, et al, 2010 “Personality and Civic Engagement: An Inegrative Frameword fot the Study of Trait Effects on Political Behaviour” American Political Science Review 104 (February): 85-110.

Bryce J. Dietrich, et al., (2012). “Personality and Legislative Politics: The Big Five Trait Dimensions Among U.S. State Legislators.” Political Psychology Vol. 33, No. 2 (April 2012), pp. 195-210.

◊Christopher D Johnson et al., 2017. Open Versus Closed: Personality, Identity, and the Politics of Redistribution. Cambridge Chapters 1 & 8.

Applications to Politics

Christopher Wiley 2019. MindF*ck. Penguin Random House

Martin Obschonka et al., 2018. Fear, populism, and the geopolitical landscape: the “sleeeper effect” of neurotic personality traits on regional voting behavior in the 2016 Brexit and Trump Elections. Lee_Fear, populism, geopolitical landscape_2018

Anya Samek, 2016. “The Association between Personality Traits and Voting Intentions in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

◊James Dennison,

◊Bert N. Bakker et al. 2016.  “The Psychological Roots of Populist Voting: Evidence from the United States, The Netherlands and Germany,” European Journal of Political Research, vol 55, 302-20. Skim  PersonalityPopulism

◊Erin Brodwin, 2018 (April 19). “Here’s the Personality Test that Cambridge Analytica Taken By Facebook Users” Business Insider

◊Siva Vaidhyanathan, 2018. Anti-Social Media pp 150-161. Antisocial Media Big Five

David Sumpter, 2018. Outnumbered. Bloomsbury Sigma. Ch 5 (Ch 2-4 have a non-technical intro to the stats involved).

Mc Adams, Dan 2016. ” The Mind of Donald Trump,” The Atlantic Obschonka, Martin et al. 2o18 “Fear, Populism and the Geopolitical Landscape: The ‘Sleeper Effect’ of Neurotic Personality Traits….” Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (3) 285-98. neuroticism&populism

Owens, Molly. 2016. “The One Personality Trait that Won Donald Trump the Presidency”.Link