Pop/Auth/Pol Additional Readings

*Kyle R. Friesen, (2021). “Reimagining Populism to Reveal Canada’s Populist Zeitgeist” Inquiries 13:1, 1   Link

Péter Krekó (2021) “Populism in Power” Ch 13 in The Psychology of Populism Joseph P Forgas et al Eds. Routledge. (see attitude measurement items, pp 235-6).

The Psychology of Populism (2021) Joseph P Forgas et al Eds. Routledge. (available online through UVic library)

Alessandro Bonanna, (2021) “The Crisis of Neoliberalism, Populist Reaction, and the Rise of Authoritarian Capitalism”. Ch 2 in Berch Berberoglu  ed., The Global Rise of Authoritarianism in the 21st Century. Routledge (available online through UVic library)

Kurt Weyland (2020) “Populism’s Threat to Democracy: Comparative Lessons for the United States.” Perspectives on Politics 18:2, 389-406.

*Frank Graves and Jeff Smith (2020) “Northern Populism: Causes and Consequences…”
University of Calgary, School of Public Policy Publications Vol 13:15. (up to but not including ordered populism) ie., In pdf file: pp 4-6 (top half). In original text number pp1-3.
https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/sppp/article/view/69884  0r

Eli J Finkel et al. (2020) “Political sectarianism
in America” Science 370(6516), 533-536.  https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6516/533
or DOI: 10.1126/science.abe1715

”Jane Mansbridge and Stephen Macedo (2019) “Populism and Democratic Theory” Annual Review of Law and Social Science. 15:59-77

Daniel Yudkin (2018) “The Psychology of Authoritarian Populism: A Bird’s Eye View”
yudkin-daniel-2018-the-psychology-of-authoritarian-populism-a-bird-s-eye- view_june2018.pdf

*Jan-Werner Muller, 2013 “Reflections on Populism”

*John Judis, 2016. “Rethinking Populism” Dissent Fall 2016

Populist response to impeachment.

Alexander Burns 2019. Warren and Trump Lay Out Competing Versions of Populism. Two Versions of Populism

Jean-Paul Gagnon et al 2018. “What is Populism?… Democratic Theory 5:2 vi-xxvi. Democratic Theory: What is populism_ Who is the populist_

Andreas Johansson Heinö, “Timbro Authoritarian Populist Index” https://timbro.se/allmant/timbro-authoritarian-populism-index2017/

Albertazzi, Danielle and McDonnell, Duncan, 2015. Populists in Power. Routledge.

Bricker, Daryl and John Ibbittson, 2018. “What’s driving Populism? It isn’t the economy, stupid.”
Associated Press. Link

◊Michael Kazan 2017. The Populist Persuasion Revised Edition Preface esp. paragraphs 3 & 4 of page xii   Kazin 2017

Trevor Harrison, 1995. Of Passionate Intensity: Right-Wing Populism and the Reform Party of Canada. University of Toronto Press.

John B. Judis, 2016. The Populist Explosion. NY: Columbia Global Reports.

Ernesto Laclau, 2005. On Populist Reason, NY: Verso.

Chantal Mouffe 2018. “Populists are on the rise but this can be a moment for progressives too,”
The Guardian 10 Sept.

Slavoj Zizek, 2006. “Against the Populist Temptation.” Critical Inquiry 32 (3) 551-74.

David Laycock, 1990. Populism and Democratic Thought in the Canadian Prairies, 1910-1945. University of Toronto Press.

David Laycock and Steven Weldon, 2017. Right-wing Populism, Conservative Governance and Multiculturalism in Canada

Cas Mudde and Cristobal Rovira Kaltwasser, 2017. Populism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press.

Jan-Werner Müller. 2015. What is Populism? Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Max Fisher and Amanda Taub, 2017. “How Does Populism Turn Authoritarian? New York Times

Max Fisher and Amanda Taub, 2017. ” Western Populism May Be Entering an Awkward Adolescence,” New York Times.

Charles Krathammer, 2017. “Populism on Pause”. Washington Post

Jeremy Ashkenas and Gregor Aisch, 2016. “European Populism in the Age of Donald Trump.”

Thomas Grevin, 2016. “The Rise of Right-wing Populism and the United States,” Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Foundation)

Eric Oliver and Wendy M. Rahn, 2016. Rise of theTrumpenvolk: Populism in the 2016 Election. Annals American Academy of Social and Political Science Vol 667, Issue 1.

Pierre-Andre Taguieff, 2016. “The revolt Against the Elites, or the New Populist Wave” Telos. 25 June.

Bram Spruyt et al.  2016. “Who Supports Populism and What Attracts People to It?” Political Research Quarterly. Vol 69(2) 335-46.

Uri Friedman 2017. “What is a Populist? And is Donald Trump one?” The Atlantic Feb 27. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/02/what-is-populist-trump/516525/

Frank Graves and Michael Valpy. 2018 (apr 29) “Ontario is not immune to political populism”  Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-ontario-is-not-immune-to-political-populism/

Monash University. 2018 (Feb 19). “Documentary: The Rise of Populism” .

Netherlands Institute on IR Podcast. 2018 (Jan 19). “Matthew Goodwin on Populism in Europe”.


Marlies Glasius (2018). “What authoritarianism is…and is not” International Affairs 94:3 May pp 519-533. Link

*Philippe J. Fournier (2021). “..Canada is not immune to Trumpism: There is ample evidence that the buds of authoritarianism are already germinating here. Canadians should not be complacent” Macleans Jan 10. Link

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Susun Annaka (2021) “The Truth and Myth of the Advantages of Authoritarian Countries” preprint apsanet.org

Matthew MacWilliams (2020). “Trump is an Authoritarian. So Are Millions of Americans” Politico Sept 23.

James Aho 2020 Revisiting Authoritarianism” Critical Sociology 46:3, 329-341.

John Duckitt J. (2020) “Authoritarianism: Conceptualization, research, and new developments.” In: Zeigler-Hill V., Shackelford T.K. (eds) Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24612-3_1046.

Heller, Ayline (2020) Detecting Authoritarianism Efficiently.” Frontiers in Psychology Vol 11 article 533863

Franz Samelson, (1986) “Authoritarianism from Berlin to Berkeley: On Social Psychology and History”. Journal of Social Issues 42:1 191-208.

Sergei Guriev (2020) “The Popularity of Authoritarian Leaders” World Politics 72:4, 661-83.


*Eric Merkley (2020) “Polarization Eh? Ideological Divergence and Partisan Sorting in the Canadian Mass Public “ University of Toronto Working Paper. Link

*Levi Boxell, et al., (2020) Cross Country Trends in Affective Polarization. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 26669 See fig 2 & 3 and Appx Figs 1-4 Link

*Thomas B. Edsall (2021). “,,. Can Anyone See the Exhausted Majority’?” New York Times Mar 24. Link

Eric Merkley (2021). “Ideological and Partisan Bias in the Canadian Public” Forthcoming in Canadian Journal of Political Science  See esp. Study 3 pp 15-19.

Piercarlo Valdesolo and Jesse Graham eds. (2016). Social Psychology of Political Polarization. Routledge