
UVic Poli 323 Evaluation/Summer 2024 

Rehearsal Op-ed Response (included as participation below) 
As something of a rehearsal for the papers to come, students are to read and respond to one of the two recent opinion articles listed under the readings for the first class. These responses are to be no more than 750 words in length. They are to be submitted via BrightSpace no later than 9:30am on May 16th. Responses will be graded as participation, earning full marks for any timely thoughtful submission.

Short Papers (55%)

#1 Due June 1 at 6pm = 15% (submit via Brightspace).
#2 Due June 15 at 6pm = 20% (submit via Brightspace)
#3 Presentation in Class June 25 & 27 = 20% (written version due 24 June at 5 pm).

Quizzes (30%)

May 28-30 = 10%        Study Concepts for Quiz 1
June 11-13 = 10%        UVic Study Questions for Quiz 2
June 20-22 = 10%      Study Questions for Quiz 3

Grading Standards

Participation 15%

Rehersal Op-ed response (2%)
Student Instructional Survey (due during first week of class)  = 2%
In-class topic presentation on additional readings (various dates) = 3%
“Who’d You Rather (write about)? #1 = 2%
“Who’d You Rather (write about)? #2 = 2%
Audience Participation Jun 25 & 27 = 4%

Comment sheets for Jun 25 available on Brightspace at:

Comment Sheets for Jun 27 available on Brightspace at:

Evaluation Details


Papers #1 and #2 for this course are to take the form of an op-ed or guest essay of the sort one might find in the Globe and Mail or New York Times. (https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/hks-communications-program/files/new_seglin_how_to_write_an_oped_1_25_17_7.pdf). As such, they are to be relatively short (no more than 750 words) and to the point. This is not a compare/contrast exercise. Instead, these papers are to demonstrate how one of the psychological approaches covered in the immediately preceding section of course sheds light on an event or article designated by the instructor. These events or articles will concern either polarization, authoritarianism or populism. To receive more than a minimally passing grade, these papers must present the student’s own viewpoint with specific reference to the political event or article designated by the instructor. Excellent papers should display clear signs of originality. See the Grading Standards link above for futher details.

Papers are to be submitted on BrightSpace no later than the date and time specified.

In preparation for these papers, class exercises will be held in the class sessions prior to their due date: (May 30 for the May 31st paper); (June 13 for the June 15th paper). These will take the form of a “Who’d You Rather (write about)?” exercise using Zoom Breakout Rooms and class discussions. Prior to each paper preparation class, students must submit via BrightSpace a preliminary indication of their favoured perspective. This should consist of no more than two or three sentences.

Two rounds of Breakout Session will be held: the first in which students are randomly assigned; the second in which students working with similar theorists/perspectives are gathered together. In both rounds of breakout rooms one student will be selected to coordinate the use of Zoom’s whiteboard to summarize their discussions. At the end of each breakout session, the whiteboard will be shared with the class. The instructor will use Zoom’s anonymous polling tool to summarize the students’ “Who’d you rather…” preferences to serve as a basis for discussion

Here’s a short video on using a whiteboard in breakout groups:

Topic Presentations

For topic presentations several students will briefly (3 minutes each) lead a discussion in the final hour of class. Please do not simply summarize the required readings. Instead, highlight key ideas, questions or difficulties raised by the day’s topic and draw out connections to ideas and concepts from previous classes or other courses. Students will be evaluated primarily on the quality of their efforts to facilitate dialogue among members of the class. Presenters should, of course, be prepared to answer clarification questions about their contributions. With prior permission, students may discuss a relevant recent (2020+) article from another source.

Presenters may work in small groups or individually. Groups are strongly advised to discurss their presentation with the instructor beforehand. To stay within the time limits, these presentations should be well-rehearsed. Presentations may be supported by no more than two very succinct slides shared via Zoom with the class. These slides and the text of presenter’s script are to be submitted via BrightSpace no later than the outset of class. Should a student be unable to make a scheduled presentation, please notify the instructor immediately. Wherever possible, copies of the slides and presenter’s script should be submitted as usual. Rescheduling will depend on the availability of presentation slots.

Here’s a video on sharing your screen.  Note how to share a file.

Sign up for a topic presentation date on Brightspace:
Go to the Course Tools menu.
Select Groups.

Final Presentations

Final presentations (and their discussion) will take up the entire last two class sessions (June 25th and 27th). Presentation parameters will be similar to those for topic presentations though time and slide limits will depend on the number of students enrolled as of the 18th June. As with topic presentations, please promptly notify the instructior and submit your work as scheduled if you are prevented from making your final presentation during the assigned slot.

In final presentations students will identify and briefly discuss one thing about which they have changed their mind(s) in response to the course content. This will require students to clearly identify what they had previously wrote or thought about something as well as what they now think. Speaking notes for these presentations are to be submitted via BrightSpace by the outset of class on June 25th. This assignment will be assessed in terms of their analytic clarity and engagement with the course content.


Students will complete three multiple choice online quizzes during the course. These will remain available on BrightSpace for approximately two days for the student’s convenience. The material covered in each quiz will review the essential concepts with which students should be familiar in preparing the paper for that section of the course. A list of study concepts will be provided prior to each quiz.

Instructional Survey

The results of a confidential instructional survey completed during the first week of class will be used to illustrate some of the approaches discussed in class. This is to be completed during the first week of class. Accordingly, completed surveys must be submitted on BrightSpace no later than May 19 at 10pm.

Class exercises

Class exercises will take various forms. A few of the exercises may use a “2 Facts and a Fib” format. Using Zoom’s breakout rooms, small groups students will develop “two facts and a fib” about a theorist, approach or concept. One student in the group will use Zoom’s whiteboard to list the 3 items without indicating which item is the fib.  At the end of the breakout session, this whiteboard will be shared with the class to see whether the other students can determine which statements are facts and which is the fib. Zoom’s polling tool will be used to assess students’ answers.

Additional class exercises may have students work in breakout groups to describe a figure, chart or table or answer a question posed by the instructor, again using the whiteboard.


Where deemed necessary, students are asked to reach out to the instructor to discuss any concern as to how an approved accommodation from the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) might best be articulated for this course.

A penalty 10% per day will be assessed on papers 1 and 2 unless an extension has been agreed to in writing, one week in advance by the instructor. Apart from provisions stated previously, there will be no make-ups, rewrites or extra credit.




Academic integrity is intellectual honesty and responsibility for academic work that you submit individually or as a member of a group. It involves commitment to the values of honesty, trust and responsibility. It is expected that students will respect these ethical values in all activities related to learning, teaching, research and service. Therefore, plagiarism and other acts against academic integrity are serious academic offences.

The responsibility of the institution – Instructors and academic units have the responsibility to ensure that standards of academic honesty are met. By doing so, the institution recognizes students for their hard work and assures them that other students do not have an unfair advantage through cheating on essays, exams, and projects.

The responsibility of the student – Plagiarism sometimes occurs due to a misunderstanding regarding the rules of academic integrity, but it is the responsibility of the student to know them. If you are unsure about the standards for citations or for referencing your sources, ask your instructor. Depending on the severity of the case, penalties include a warning, a failing grade, a record on the student’s transcript, or a suspension. It is your responsibility to understand the University’s policy on academic integrity, which can be found on pages 32-34 of the undergraduate calendar.


Towards the end of term, as in all other courses at UVic, you will have the opportunity to complete an anonymous survey regarding your learning experience (CES). The survey will help the department improve the overall program for students in the future. The survey is accessed via MyPage and can be done on your laptop, tablet, or mobile device. The department will provide you with more detailed information nearer the time of the survey.


************************END OF POL 323 Evaluation Details******************************************


UVic Pol 433 Summer 2022


a) Co-Introduce/facilitate Topic Discussion (15%)
b1) Political Framing Experiment Design (15%)
b2) Political Dumbfounding/Taboo Vignette (10%)
b3) Partially Structured Narrative (10%)
b4) IAT design (15%)
b5) Mirror narrative (10%)
c1) Participation through BrightSpace forum postings (10%)
c2) Participation via Zoom (5%)
d) Summary paper focused on political implications (10%)

Assignment details

Requirement a) Co-introduction and facilitation = 15%)

Up to five students will share the introduction and facilitation role during each Type 1 class.

Introductions should, first and foremost, highlight the main contribution of the required reading as well as identify something of interest in an additional reading. It is not necessary to summarize the required readings in any detail, as we can assume that everyone has done the required reading. Rather, the emphasis should be on briefly situating the reading(s) in our ongoing concern with indirect measurement of implicit rather than explicit attitudes. These introductions, and more particularly facilitation efforts, should point toward further research steps with emphasis on political applications. In this way the presenter should offer a general example to seminar participants as to how to work toward their own research designs for the subsequent class.  Introductions should be concise and to the point, taking no more than 3 or 4 minutes to deliver. That’s around 500 words. A copy of prepared, practiced and timed notes is to be submitted to the instructor on BrightSpace. Presenter/facilitator’s names and student numbers must appear prominently on the first page of the submission. Reading prepared remarks is fine, so long as you practice their effective delivery, e.g., looking up and connecting with your audience. No PowerPoint or other audio/visuals are required beyond a few sheets shared with the class using Zoom’s screen sharing tool. Be sure to have these sheets open on your desk top and available for sharing.

Facilitation should also be pre-planned with two or three written suggestions as to possible prompts or questions to stimulate further discussion, focusing particularly on possible political implications. These should be included in the submission to the instructor.

Co-introduction and session facilitation schedule–Type 1 sessions.
Please email the instructor regarding your preferred dates to introduce/facilitate a topic. Each student will present on only one of the six available sessions listed below. It will be helpful, however, to indicate more than one preference in your message to the instructor.
This chart will be updated with surnames as the schedule fills up.

Class session Topic St 1 St 2 St 3 St 4 St 5
July 12
July 19
July 26
Aug 2
Aug 4
P&P Implicit
Aug 11
Mirror Neurons

Requirements: b1-5 Measurement designs

Working either in groups or individually students will create and present five measurement designs for assessing implicit or non-conscious attitudes.

These include:

b1) a framing experiment design (15%)–July 14
b2) a dumbfounding vignette (10%)–July 21
b3) a partially structured narrative (10%)–July 28
b4) an IAT design (15%)–August 9
b5) a mirror narrative (10%)–August 16

Each of these should focus upon a political bias concerning indigenous peoples, homelessness or authoritarianism.

These designs will consist of several elements:

  1. a very brief background on the approach and political concern (1 paragraph);
  2. a concise rendering of the proposed measure or indicator;
  3. a statement of the hypotheses underlying the measure.

Presentation of these measurement designs will consist of no more than a three minute oral summary using no more than one or two sheets suitable for screen sharing via Zoom. Have the .doc, .pdf or comparable document open on your desktop and reading to share prior to class

A copy of the design and presentation sheet, with identifying student name(s) and number(s), should be submitted via BrightSpace to the instructor no later than 11am on the day of the presentation.

Due to time constraints, missed presentations will likely not be able to be made up in subsequent class sessions. If you expect to miss an online session, carefully consider partnering with a student who will be present.

Requirement c Participation & Engagement = 15%

c1. Prior to each Type 1 class session, each student is to post on BrightSpace a short (250 words) comment or reflection regarding the required readings for that session. These comments/reflections should be brief, consisting of only two paragraphs. The first paragraph should be analytic; the second synthetic.  The analytic paragraph should discuss the reading in terms of its constituent elements. In other words, what are the essential components of the intellectual contribution made by the author(s). The synthetic comment/reflection should draw a connection between the reading and the overall focus of the course. Students will be able to see each others comments/reflections only after the forum is closed.

c2. Ongoing participation in class discussion is expected. This requires regular attendance via Zoom. Students will be evaluated on their contributions to class discussion, their displayed understanding of the readings, and their ability to listen and engage with others constructively and collegially.

Requirement d) Summary paper = 10%

At the close of the course students will prepare a very brief (max 750 words) summary of one important thing learned about fast and slow thinking in our course and describe how it has influenced their thinking about politics regarding indigenous or homeless populations or authoritarianism. Papers should be submitted as a .pdf or .doc attachment via BrightSpace no later than 3pm on Friday, August 19. As with all assignments in the course, papers may be either individual or joint efforts. As a rehearsal for the paper, students should be prepared to make an informal three minute presentation on the paper topic during the final class session on Thursday, August 18.