Details on Quiz 2
The second quiz will be available from 1pm on Tuesday June 11th until 9am on Thursday June 13th. As before, you will complete the quiz on Brightspace. It will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions on material covered in Part 2 of our course.
Since this is being administered online, you can complete the quiz basically from anywhere. You will be permitted to 25 minutes in which to complete the 20 questions on the quiz. By covering the essential concepts covered in Part 2 of the course, this quiz will prepare you to participate in the class discussions regarding Paper 2.
Class time on June 13th will be devoted to small group and class discussion of how best to approach the second short paper for the course. The paper is due on Saturday, June 15th. I have arranged for you to receive the answer key to the quiz just after its close. That way you will have the appropriate feedback to let you know where you are on track and where you aren’t.
Again the pedagogy of this approach is for the quiz to focus upon major concepts we have discussed regarding each of the psychologists covered to date. As such, the quiz will serve as something of a review of the material covered in Part 2 of the course. A study sheet is provided on this link UVic Study Questions for Q2 and on the evaluation page.