UVic 323 Presentation Assignment
Presentation Assignment
As you know, the third assignment for Poli 323 involves making an in-class oral presentation in one of the two final class sessions of the term (Tuesday June 25 and Thursday June 27th). Given the number of students in the class and the available time, presentations will be limited to 5 minutes per student. Please note that this limit will be strictly enforced. The list of which students will present on which days is available here: Random Pres Sched 2024. Students requiring special arrangements of any kind should contact the instructor no later than June 20th.
Your presentation will focus on one thing you have learned in studying political psychology and how it has changed your thinking. This need not be exclusively about a populism/authoritarianism/political polarization, but it must concern a political topic of general interest. As with previous assignments, presentations will be graded according to the quality of analysis and synthesis presented.
Presenters are to address the class directly. For this to be effective we will not be sharing screens and the presenter’s camera is to be switched on. Timed speaking notes are to be prepared but not to be shared with the class. These notes are to be submitted via Brightspace no later than 5pm on Monday June 24th. They should consist of no more than 5 sheets/pages, i.e, a cover sheet plus 4 content pages.
Cover Sheet
Your presentation title and name.
Page 1
Summarize one thing that you have learned in studying political psychology this term that has changed your mind about a political event, issue, or phenomenon.
Page 2
Summarize the event, issue, or phenomenon about which you have changed your mind.
Page 3
Summarize how prior to studying political psychology this term you were wrong in your thinking about the event, issue, or phenomenon.
Page 4
Summarize how at the end of the course you now think differently about the event, issue, or phenomenon.