PolPsy notes on Müller

PolPsy class notes re Jan-Werner Müller (2015).


Populists are:



Morally absolutist.

pp 2-3


“The major differences between democracy and populism should have become clear by now:


[democracy] enables majorities to authorize representatives whose actions may or may not turn out to conform to what a majority of citizens expected or would have wished for;


[populism] pretends that no action of a populist government can be questioned, because ”the people” have willed it so.

[democracy] assumes fallible, and contestable judgments by changing majorities; [populism] imagines a homogenous entity outside all institutions whose identity and ideas can be fully represented.
[democracy] assumes, if anything, a people of individuals, so that in the end only numbers (in elections) count; [populism] takes for granted a more or less mysterious ”substance” and the fact that even large numbers of individuals (even majorities) can fail to express that substance properly
[democracy] presumes that decisions made after democratic procedures have been followed are not ”moral” in such a way that all opposition must be considered immoral; [populism] postulates one properly moral decision even in circumstances of deep disagreement about morality (and policy).
Finally—and most importantly—[democracy] takes it that ”the people” can never appear in a non-institutionalized manner and, in particular, accepts that a majority … in parliament is not “the people” and cannot speak in the name of the people; [populism] presumes precisely the opposite.”
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pp 77-8