Neuropsychology Additional Readings

Fundamentals of Cog Neurosci

Joseph LeDoux The Emotional Brain,  (Chapter 4 may be skimmed).

Joseph LeDoux (1995). “Emotion: Clues from the Brain.” Annual Review of Psychology 46: 209-35.

Joseph LeDoux 2002. The Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are.

Joseph LeDoux, 2002. “Emotion, Memory and the Brain”, Scientific American.

Josseph LeDoux, 2011. The Emotional Brain. Lecture at University of Sydney.

Joseph LeDoux 2012. “Rethinking the Emotional Brain” Neuron, 73:4, 653-676.

Joseph LeDoux. 2015. “Feelings: What They Are and How Does the Brain Make Them?” Daedalus 144:1, 96-111.

Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain 1994 Chapts, 1-6.

Mark F. Bear et al., Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 2nd edition, Baltimore: Lippincott,

George Marcus et al. 2000. Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment, Chicago, 2000.

John A. Barge and Tanya L. Chartrand, 1999. “The Unbearable Automaticity of Being.” The American Psychologist 54(7): 462-479.

Robert B. Zajonc, 1980. “Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need No Inferences.” American Psychologist 35: 151-175. 

Antonio Damasio, The Feeling of What Happens

George Marcus, Political Psychology: Neuroscience, Genetics and Politics, Oxford, 2013.

Dustin Tingley 2006 “Neurological Imaging As Evidence in Political Science: A Review, Critique, and Guiding Assessment” Social Science Information, 45:5-33.

John Jost et al., 2014. “Political Neuroscience: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship” Advances in Political Psychology, Vol 35. Suppl I: 3-42.

Christopher Dawes et al., 2012. “The Neural Basis of Egalitarian Behavior” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (17) April 24: 6479-6483.

Anita Tusche et al 2013 “Automatic Processing of Political Preferences in the Human Brain” NeuroImage 72: 174-8.

Shane O’Mara, 2015. Why Torture Doesn’t Work. Harvard. (excerpts on publisher website)

Richard Shenkman, 2016. Political Animals. Basic pp 53-68.

David Houghton 2015. Political Psychology 2nd ed. Routledge. Ch 10, 11 (165-75).

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Applications to Politics

George E.Marcus (2021) “The Rise of Populism” Ch 5 in The Psychology of Populism Joseph P Forgas et al Eds. Routledge. (distinguishes fear vs. anger). Forgas volume available for download through UVic library

Tobias Widmann, (2021). “How Emotional Are Populists Really? Factors Explaining Emotional Appeals in the Communication of Political Parties” Political Psychology Vol 42 (1) 163-181.

Kelley Tatera, 2018. Neuroscience and Republican and Democratic Brains

Richard A. Freidman 2018. “Neuroscience of Hate Speech”.

Katherine Linderman 2016. “Could Neuroscience Explain What Trump Voters are Thinking?”

Nayef Al-Rodhan, 2016. Us versus Them. How Neurophilosophy explains our divided politics.” World Economic Forum.

R. Douglas Fields, 2016. “A Neuroscience Perspective on Brexit,” Psychology Today, 26 June.

Astrid Ghap 2017. “The rise of populism, the demise of slow thinkers”.

Nick Clarke et al. 2018. The Good Politician Ch9 (pp257-260). Good Politician 50-4;256-73 (esp 257-60).

Joan Rabin, 2020. “Red Brain-Blue Brain: TThe Biopsychology of Political Beliefs and Behavior”, Chapt 1 in Jan Sinott and Joan Rabin (eds.). The Psychology of Political Behavior in a Time of Change.

Gerry Stoker et al 2016 “Fast Thinking: Implications for Democratic Politics,” European Journal of Political Research 55 (1): 3-21. Link

Colin G. DeYoung and Timothy A. Allen, 2019. “Personality Neuroscience: A Developmental Perspective.” In Dan P McAdams et al. Handbook of Personality Development. Guilford  Personality Neuroscience Text  Personality Neuroscience Notes